A product description is used to:

  • understand the detailed nature, purpose, function and appearance of the product
  • define who will use the product
  • identify the sources of information or supply for the product
  • identify the level of quality required of the product
  • enable identification of activities to produce, review and approve the product
  • define the people or skills required to produce, review and approve the product.

The following quality criteria apply to a product description:

  • The purpose of the product is clear and is consistent with that of other products.
  • The product is described to a level of detail that is sufficient to plan and manage its development.
  • The product description is concise yet sufficient enough to enable the product to be produced, reviewed and approved.
  • Responsibility for the development of the product is clearly identified.
  • Responsibility for the development of the product is consistent with the roles and responsibilities described in the project management team organization and the quality management approach.
  • The quality criteria are consistent with the project quality standards, standard checklists and acceptance criteria.
  • The quality criteria can be used to determine when the product is fit for purpose.
  • The types of quality inspection required are able to verify whether the product meets its stated quality criteria.
  • The senior user(s) confirms that their requirements of the product, as defined in the product description, are accurately described.
  • The senior supplier(s) confirms that the requirements of the product, as defined in the product description, can be achieved.

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